Thursday, January 19, 2012

The newness is wearing off

Today was the first day that the "newness" of being on the program has worn off. I made oatmeal for the boys for dinner, and I could have dived into it face first. It took a great deal of self talk to stay out of it, and I'm not sure why. I kept my goals in mind and moved forward, eating my eggs and Canadian bacon. It's funny, though, I wanted that oatmeal and didn't eat it and (begrudgingly) ate my eggs--and the rest of the night, I was SO friggen hungry! It's like I had talked my eggs into not being satisfying because I wanted to eat something else. Weird. I am celebrating the fact that I didn't eat the contents of my kitchen after dinner, despite my desires. I ate more calories for my day than I'm supposed to, but I kept it low-carb and stayed in ketosis. Day 8, in the books.

I know I'm supposed to take weight loss one day at a time, especially considering the amount I have to lose--but I have to admit, sometimes facing a future of calorie/carb counting and constantly facing down temptation is both terrifying and exhausting.

Oh, and happy 38th anniversary to my wonderful parents!

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