Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A bigger test and a reality check

I have a praise for myself today. I bought the kiddos McDonalds for lunch and didn't get myself anything except the diet coke that came with the meal. I didn't even have a nibble of the chicken nuggets or fries. Sam even tried to give me some, bless his little heart. He said, "Mama, are you hungry? Here, have one of my fries." What an angel. Anyways, I stuck to the plan, drank the diet coke, and ate my greek yogurt and almonds like a good girl. Program-wise, I probably shouldn't have eaten the almonds and yogurt together (they like us to split up the calories and spread out bigger snacks), but it was still better than eating the kids' McDonalds!

Tonight was my first weigh-in. I was down 5.2 pounds since January 11th. That's a great feeling! My not so great news is that my blood pressure is crazy cakes high. 155/91 today. What.the.heck. I was relaxed and calm before I went in there, too. I have to admit, I wasn't expecting that at all. Just another thing to further my resolve to make this time be the last time. Not sure how much longer I'll be on this earth with a blood pressure like that. Not trying to be morose, it's just reality.

I saw a picture of a guy that was in my previous class from last year. He was close to my parents' age and we had become buddies before I quit going. He was well on his way to being close to his goal weight before I dropped out, but I got to see his "final" picture. He lost 105 pounds and looked absolutely amazing. So happy for him. He was having so many knee problems, too. I bet he's doing great now. Also, I got to see one of the pediatricians from the boys' doctors' office. She started the program 5 months after I did last year, but she's stuck with it. She's lost so much weight, I hardly recognized her.

That could have been me. Well, this time, it's going to be.

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